Everlasting Bouquet


This everlasting bouquet, made with a natural bamboo. It's the perfect gift for any occasion. Its timeless beauty will never wilt, making it a lasting symbol of your love and affection. Say goodbye to traditional flowers and hello to a gift that will be cherished forever.

Each bouquet consists of 6x bamboo pieces ready to display.


Acrylic comes with a protective film or paper on both sides. Please peel off prior to use. 

Photos and images are for illustration purposes only. All items are sent as blanks.

Although we do our best to make sure that the colours displayed on our website are accurate, the actual colours may vary. Differences in monitors and the devices will result in subtle differences in colour and textures.

Mirror acrylic has a grey coloured backing. This is how the mirror effect is achieved. Please keep this in mind when choosing mirror acrylic for your products.